Jackie Boy – a doggy gentleman, came to us at the age of 12 after it is thought his previous elderly owner had died. A quiet life with no hassle, food on a regular basis, water always on hand and a daily stroll were all that Jack wanted or enjoyed. He didn’t like a lot of fuss but enjoyed a nice chat and a pat on the head every now and then throughout the day. As he aged, Jack found it difficult to walk around the parks in the area but he enjoyed a ride in the car and would wait for his companions to have their daily constitutionals. His idea of exercise was to lope around the garden on the same route once a day after his main meal. When he began to lose his sight he went more slowly around the garden and got to know the route by following his nose. After a while the lopes got slower and shorter until it was just a visit outside for the essentials.

He snoozed most of the day, only waking to eat his food. He was very contented, always comfortable and as he drifted into his dotage he still responded to the conversations and enjoyed a gentle tickle behind the ears. His snoozes grew into deeper and deeper sleeps and his breathing became shallower until there was no more breathing and he was rested forever.

R.I.P. Jackie Boy – December 2006 to February 2024 – 18 years 1 month


Sadly, on Friday, 30th October, Grande Daze lost one of our best friends, Caramel, the beautiful Golden Retriever companion of Delphine and her family.   We will always remember what a beautiful agility team the pair made and how much fun they had together on the course.  Caramel and Parsnip were wonderful friends.

We give our support to the family at this difficult time.  Caramel will be missed by everyone.

Anita, Peter and the Grande Daze Agility Team.   Rainbow Bridge


Nous avons le cœur brisé de partager cette page commémorative pour Michel décédé le 4 novembre 2019. Nous avons attendu jusqu’à présent pour vous l’annoncer à cause de notre propre chagrin et pour laisser un peu de temps à Patricia, sa femme.

Il est décédé en raison de nombreux problèmes de santé qui l’ont finalement conduit à une insuffisance cardiaque. Il laisse quatre beaux chiens de montagne pyrénéens et sa femme bien-aimée.

J’ai rencontré Michel et Patricia pour la première fois lorsque leurs chiots Montagne des Pyrénées avaient 5 mois. Étant merveilleusement excentriques, comme on l’être parfois avec nos chiens, ils ont décidé d’en garder 4 de la portée. Ils leurs étaient dévoués et entraînaient au moins 4 fois par semaine les chiots, ils sont aujourd’hui âgés de 9 ans. Malheureusement, l’un d’eux est décédé récemment d’un cancer.

Beaucoup d’entre vous ont eu la merveilleuse occasion de rencontrer Michel et Cookie Monster, il était connu et aimé de ses amis! Au cours de mes 35 années d’agility, je n’ai jamais rencontré un homme capable d’entraîner un chien de Montagne des Pyrénéen tel qu’il entraînait Cookie Monster à l’agility.

Son habileté à été jusqu’à lui apprendre le slalom, beaucoup d’entre vous savent à quel point c’est un obstacle difficile. Nous avons eu l’honneur de voir Michel et Cookie Monster rejoindre notre équipe de démonstration, sa dernière manifestation étant à Ernée en 2018 avant que la santé de Michel ne commence à se dégrader.

Il nous manquera tous terriblement car il avait une façon unique de s’entraîner! Il avait développer une méthode que nous avons nommée la méthode Arnac : une fois le parcours posé il avait le don de le travailler à son façon en prenant délibérément les mauvais obstacles, où des obstacles dans le mauvais sens, d’en rajouter et lui et Cookie Monster formaient la parfaite équipe car là où Michel lui disait d’aller Cookie Monster y allait sans jamais se tromper ! Donc à chaque fois que l’un d’entre nous faisons une erreur sur le parcours nous disons qu’il y a eu Arnac.

En l’honneur de Michel et Cookie Monster, le 24 mai, nous organisons une journée Fun Day et tous ceux qui ont une formation d’agility à Grande Daze sont invités à venir participer au concours Arnac. Plus de détails seront bientôt sur le site Web.

Michel s’en est allé pour retrouver Arayu et beaucoup de ses autres beaux chiens. Nous ne l’oublierons jamais, surtout quand nous avons une situation à Arnac!

De tout notre amour et pour tout les bons moments avec Michel.

De Anita et Peter Edwards, ainsi de tout ceux de l’équipe d’agility Grande Daze.

We are heartbroken to share this memorial page for Michel who died on 4th November 2019. We have waited until now to share it due to our own grief and to allow Patricia, his wife, some time.

He died due to many health problems which eventually led to heart failure. He leaves four beautiful Pyrenean mountain dogs and his beloved wife.

I first met Michel and Patricia when their Pyreneans were 5 months old. Being wonderfully eccentric, as most dog people are, they decided to keep 4 of their litter of puppies. They were devoted to them and trained at least 4 times a week with the pups, who are now 9 years old. Sadly one of them died of cancer recently.

Many of you had the wonderful opportunity to meet Michel and Cookie Monster, as he was known to his friends! In my 35 years of agility, I have never met a man who could train a Pyrenean mountain dog as he trained Cookie Monster.

His skill would go down as far as recalling the dog through the weave poles, many of you will know how difficult this is. We had the honour of having Michel and Cookie Monster joining our demonstration team, his last demonstration being in Ernée in 2018 before Michel’s health started to deteriorate.

We will all miss him dreadfully as he had a unique way of training! Many times taking the wrong obstacle on purpose, which all of us in the Grande Daze team call the Arnac manoeuvre, if we go wrong.

In honour of Michel and Cookie Monster, on 24th May we are having a doggy fun day and everyone who has ever trained agility at Grande Daze is invited to come and take part in the Arnac competition. More details will be on the website soon.

Michel has gone to Rainbow Bridge to be reunited with Arayu and many of his other beautiful dogs. We will never forget him, especially when we have an Arnac situation!

Fondest love and memories, Michel.

Anita & Peter Edwards and everyone in the Grande Daze agility team.


Our beloved Nippy, taken from us so swift on 03/10/2019. Peter and I have never had such a wonderful dog and we miss her dreadfully.

Not a day goes by now that we don’t smile at her memory. She was a wonderful assistant who helped many people smile and so many dogs with behaviour problems we lost count.

Darling Nippy, the hole you left will never be filled. It has taken Peter and I some time to mend. Now with your beloved memory and all you taught us we will continue our work while you run free to Rainbow Bridge.

We love you always,
Anita and Peter Edwards xxxx


Stella, a beautiful companion. A four legged friend who will never be forgotten.

In her early life Stella didn’t know love and affection – she was being trained to be a fighting dog; but she couldn’t make the grade because she wasn’t aggressive enough! After receiving physical and emotional scars Stella was abandoned by her cruel first owners. Fortunately, she found herself in a rescue centre where she was seen by a caring young man who fell in love with her and took her home.

Stella stayed all her life with this young man, who married and had children. This happy family loved Stella who became a faithful, gentle member of the family, travelling around the world and sharing their adventures. Sharing love and care helped Stella recover from a frightening, violent beginning. She lived for 17 years with her caring human companions sharing love and loyalty and only her physical scars gave a clue to her former life.

This beautiful dog was a glowing example of how love and care for a rescue dog can reverse a bad past and reveal a wonderful companion.

Sadly, Stella died in her 17th year. She will live on in the hearts of all those who knew her, especially, her loving family.

A special dog returned to stardust

Stella 2002 – 2019


Joyce: a big thank you

I first met Joyce when she asked me to clip her Springer Spaniel, Wiggi. Wiggi sadly died in her sleep several years ago, just as Joyce sadly did last month.

Joyce was an inspiration to all of us at Grande Daze. She never complained about the pain of her arthritis and adopted a disabled dog from us, Amie. No one could have understood the dog better than Joyce and, partly because of her disabilities, they became great friends. Soon after, Roger, Joyce’s husband, adopted Rolo from us to make the family complete.

We were all very shocked and sad to hear of the passing of Joyce but happy that she left for Rainbow Bridge peacefully, without the trauma of a long stay in hospital. We will never be able to put into words how grateful we are that Joyce left wishes for donations in her memory to be made to us.

We want to take this opportunity to thank all the people that have given, above all our best wishes go to the family, especially Roger, Amie and Rolo, who we will continue to keep in contact with.

Due to the donations given, Grande Daze is now able to commence work on our hydrotherapy pool to aid dogs with a wide variety of health issues, which we know Joyce would approve of.  Rainbow Bridge


How sad we are that little Bertie has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. No one will miss him more than Dave.

They never mean to break your heart when they go. Ladies and gentleman beware when you give your heart to a dog to tear.

Please know that he’s at peace now and no longer uncomfortable and in pain.

Love to Carol and Dave from all at Grande Daze.



With the best memories in the world of this dear man and may he be happy now both his friends, Lilly & Maddi, have crossed the bridge.
I have known the Carpenter family for almost 28 years and have had the best job in the world of keeping their dogs smart. I first met Mrs C when I went to clip an Old English Sheepdog called Gemma and a hairy cross breed called Hatti. What wonderful times and memories. My fondest is when the girls return to the living room after hair cuts; the woolf whistles and cheers Mr & Mrs C would give to their dogs!

Dear Lilly and Maddi, I thank you also for letting me keep you smart. The last year of Maddi’s life was not easy for her with her legs and all the health problems an old dog can get. What wonderful, wonderful owners Clare & Mrs C are, nothing was too much trouble for their four legged friends. Now at home with little Pippa.

Bless you both & thank you for letting me be a friend to your dogs. Please stay in touch.
Fondest wishes always,
Anita Edwards


Maddi you gave us 15yrs of pure joy and companionship.
We will miss you with all our hearts but we thank god you came into our lives!
Run free Maddi across the rainbow bridge ?
Love from
Mena and Clare



It is with broken hearts that we have to add our little Lost Dog to Rainbow Bridge.

LD loved agility and always did his very best, making Anita so very proud. His love of balls was well known and sometimes he couldn’t even be tricked into giving it up, no matter the deliciousness of his treats! In his retirement, LD continued to join some of Grande Daze’s agility classes to show the rookies how it’s done.

We will always remember him for the character that he was and there is now a small, terrier shaped hole in our hearts.

Mr Lost Dog

Ladies and gentlemen beware when you give your heart for a dog to tear.
I would give my heart any day, there is no truer friend that will come your way.

While out walking along a bridle path one day there he was, this little Jack Russel,
All alone. Just sitting there as if waiting for me, because he knew I would care.
And truly I did, for almost twelve years, and to think of him now fills my eyes with tears.

LD was his name, a little tri-coloured, rough coated Jack Russel.
Along to Grande Daze with many others he came,
A very special friend to me was his aim.

LD for Lost Dog, years of happiness, love and fun he gave.
To say goodbye was my small part, ’cause my little friend you have a huge place in my heart.
Now he is not lost, just on his final journey to the forever home, and I sure know he won’t be alone.
He will wait there for me with all my other true friends.

Carry my love and trust with you LD,
Chase them bunnies.
Be happy. Be free.

-Anita Edwards

C’est avec le cœur brisé que LD a rejoint le Rainbow Bridge.

LD adorait L’agility et faisait toujours de son mieux rendant à Anita si fier. Son amour pour les balles était bien connu et bien souvent il était impossible de le détourner de sa balle même avec la meilleure est la plus appétissant des friandises. À sa retraite il a continué à participer à certaines classes d’agility de Grande-Daze pour faire une démonstration aux nouvelles recrues.

Nous nous souviendrons toujours de lui pour le personnage qu’il était et maintenant il laisse un trou en forme de terrier dans notre cœur.

Mr Lost Dog

Mesdames et Messieurs faites très attention lors ce que vous donnez votre cœur un chien car il le déchire. Je donnerai mon cœur tous les jours, il n’y a pas d’ami plus vrai lorsqu’il croise votre chemin.

Alors que je marchais le long d’une allée, il était là ce petit Jack Russel, tout seul. Juste assis ici comme si il était en train de m’attendre, car il savait que je m’en soucierais. Je l’ai fait pendant presque 12 ans, et maintenant pensé à lui me remplit les yeux de larmes.

LD était son nom, un petit Jack tricolore à poil dur. Il est venu à Grande-Daze avec d’autre. Il était un ami très spécial.

LD pour Lost Dog, des années de bonheur, d’amour et de joies il nous a donné.
Te donner cet au revoir était le moins que je puisse faire.
Parce que mon ami tu as une énorme place dans mon cœur
Maintenant il n’est pas perdu il est juste arriver à son dernier voyage, à cette dernière maison et je sais très bien qu’il ne sera pas seul. Il m’attendra là avec tous mes autres vrais amis.

Portes mon amour et ai confiance en toi, chasses les lapins, sois heureux, sois libre.

-Anita Edwards


A sad beginning to the year as Denise & Alan had to say goodbye to little Joe.

Grande Daze send their heartfelt condolences. Bless you both and thank you for giving this poor little lost dog such happiness in his last years; warmth, love, lots of good food, and a peaceful end.

Lots of love to you both

Un très mauvais début d’année pour Denise et Alan qui ont dut dire au revoir à petit Joe.

Grande-daze vous envoie ses plus sincères condoléances. Que dieu vous bénisse et merci à vous d’avoir donné à ce pauvre petit chien perdu beaucoup de bonheur ces dernières années, de la chaleur, de l’amour, et des bons repas, et une fin paisible.

Beaucoup d’amour à vous deux.