The Agility Team Results – 17th July

Kodie won the 2nd part of his brevet in the latest round of the Agility Competitions. He and Anita made a clear round in the Grade I course and finished in 2nd place overall; one more winning event and he will go into the Grade 2 Class. And to add to this he got a 4th in the Open Agility. Kaos is next in line and we will report on her results in the future. Read about – Dear Kodie!

Luke and Helen did well maintaining their constant and steady 2nd place. Luke is Helen’s first agility dog and together they have learned the ropes. We have high hopes for them in Jersey. You can read Luke’s story – click THE PROGRESS OF LUCKY LUKE aka MR. FOX

Nadège and Hera are collecting points for a hopeful entry into the French semi-finals. Hera is 10 years old now and will probably retire from competitions next year. However, Izzie is a champion in the making.

Our most senior team member, Denise and her little rescue Fleur continue their enjoyment getting around the courses and gaining many noteworthy results. Denise has already achieved great things with 2 previous rescue dogs, the most recent being Pip who retired at the end of last season. You can read about Pip – click THE RETIREMENT OF PIP

We are very proud of all our team members and, in particular, Denise who may retire at the end of the year; we hope that she will change her mind when the end of the year arrives.

Everyone is looking forward to the Jersey competition in a few weeks time. The Jersey event will be posted on the website.



What a wonderful experience it is to have a rapport with your dog! When that rapport goes beyond a ‘master and servant’ type of relationship into an activity that is shared it is magical, one might even say – spiritual. The relationship between animal and human is obvious to us all when we see, for example, Mountain Rescue dogs or a Guide Dog for the Blind. When it is for the sheer joy of sharing an activity that is pure fun it is taken lightly, simply because it is, enjoyable!

Working a dog on an agility course has all the elements of the skills and building rapport as the ones used to train the examples given above. Such relationships have been built between Anita and the dogs who have come into her life, but especially, with her beloved Collie dogs.

It may sound frivolous to put working dogs and having fun together but take that a step further and you realise that frivolity has benefits in that agility is an educational tool to socialise, teach good manners (obedience) and share the exercise of the body and the brain.

Since she was 13 years old Anita has worked with Collie Dogs and as she says, “Agility is in her blood”. She loves the Collie breed with a passion and knows that they are very clever. For Anita, agility is a fun game, “It’s you and your dog and a set of tasks!”

When in the UK Anita and Peter were members of many organisations. For many years Anita was Secretary and Peter was the Chairman of the Mid-Downs Agility Club. They were at the forefront of the first Agility Competitions held at Crufts and, in fact, Peter made equipment that was used at the earliest events.

Coming to France for this animal loving couple meant that building up a business to earn a living and creating a charity to rescue the animals took precedence over Agility Competitions. Thus for 10 years this activity was put on hold.

In Anita’s words she has, “always been fortunate to have the kit, as Peter makes it!” The agility equipment is used to help the rescued dogs who come into their care. The dogs are given focus and the chance to stretch their legs, gain rewards for their effort and focus, use their brains and receive positive attention. In this way the troubled animals are rehabilitated and develop into happy well mannered pets.

Finnegan was the first dog Anita trained to compete in Agility events in France. There are many tests and rules in French Agility which were new for Anita and along with Finnegan she learned the ropes and the pair won many rosettes and accolades. Finnegan has now hung up his boots and it is Kodie’s turn to race around the circuits and fly the flag for Grande Daze. You can read about Kodie in Dear Kodie!

See the latest Agility Competition Results –The Agility Team Results – 17th July and JERSEY AGILITY FESTIVAL 8th – 11th September, 2022

Dear Kodie!

Anita has had to find a way to match Kodie’s speed and enthusiasm, she distance instructs him!

Dear Kodie, as Anita refers to him, entered her life when he was 12 weeks old and she loved him from the moment she set eyes on him.

An English lady living in France bred Kodie by accident and couldn’t find a home for him or his litter siblings. For Anita this was a happy accident and she helped the lady find homes in the UK (pre Brexit) for the rest of the litter. The lady was loving towards her dogs but was, comically, naive about how to keep her adored pets; she remarked to Anita that she had put a pair of knickers on the bitch to stop Kodie’s dad’s ardour! Anita, as Grande Daze Rescue, organised the spaying and castration of the adult dogs in order for this kindly, innocent lady to continue to care for her 2 Collie dogs with the surety of no more ‘happy accidents’!

Finnegan, Anita’s champion agility dog and first French Agility dog, is now in his more mature years and has hung up his boots. As Finnegan has aged, Anita has found that the years have slowed down her own swift easy movements; her body doesn’t want to run any more. French Agility Competitions have many tests and rules different to those of the UK and Anita learned these with Finnegan.

Kodie has stepped into Finnegan’s role and he is fast and moves with swift grace around the obstacles. To continue to enjoy her passion for Agility, Anita has had to find a way to match Kodie’s speed and enthusiasm, she distance instructs him around the course. At times Kodie has been far ahead of Anita and if she hasn’t been quick enough to tell him the next task – he has found one! This is very different to the partnership with Finnegan who would always be at Anita’s side but old age and lack of speed let them down. Anita is concerned that at times she lets Kodie down; she is aware that with his speed the accuracy of her instructions is of the essence and the pair must be synchronised.

Kodie is now 6 years old and has been doing Agility for 2 years but 2 years competition experience has been lost due to Covid 19. The Agility Competition schedule has now returned to normal and the distance instruction work is improving. In fact, points are racking up. On Sunday, 17th July Anita was happy to report that the pair worked together superbly well and the feeling was fabulous!
“I love to watch all dogs and owners form this bond – it is pure magic! That’s why I do what I do.”, Anita Edwards, 2022. Read A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE

You can read the results of the competition here The Agility Team Results – 17th July

The Glorious 25th June Demonstration

Bringing back the goods!

On 25th June we had a fabulous day demonstrating the work at Grande Daze Companion Centre. We started the day with Agility and Hoopers followed by Carole with her Gun Dogs, Piper, Harry and Dollar, showing off their skills. You can see the slide-shows at the bottom of this article, “The Action”, “The Gun Dogs” and “The Portraits”.


The dogs participating in the event posed for pictures and Peter judged them.

The demonstration finished with much excitement and cheering for the Relay Race when all of the eager participants in their teams threw themselves enthusiastically into dashing to the finish line. The support of the crowd and their encouragement was overwhelming – a big thank you to everyone.

Lola showing what she can do!

The winner overall was Roxanne with Marie who has trained her dogs with Grande Daze for many years. Hot on the heels of Marie and Roxanne were Gary and Lola. Gary and his wife Wendy have adopted dogs from Grande Daze and helped us train the rescue dogs. They all enjoyed the day, especially with Lola who is a French bred German Shepherd Dog and at the age of seven and half proved that you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Nick Catling, a professional photographer, kindly took the beautiful photographs we have of the event. We have helped Nick and his wife, Tracy, to educate their dog. Thank you Nick, your contribution to our event is much appreciated.

A good day of fun was had by all!

Please see our slide-shows of the event below:

The Demonstration – 25th June 2022
The Boys going through their paces – Short and Sweet
Just beautiful!

Good Citizens

Reboot and Roo have gained the Qualification from CSAU, Certificat de Sociabilitè et d”Adaptitude À l’Utilisation – Good Citizen. The Poodle Roo, with Helen, learned good behaviour in the Obedience Classes at Grande Daze Animal Companion Centre, as did Reboot, the Jack Russell, with Nadège.

The training began with Puppy Classes when both dogs, after vaccinations, were able to mix with other dogs. They progressed through the course doing, for example, the sit and stay whilst Helen and Nadège were out of sight. Confidence in the handler and the trust built up between them enabled the puppies to develop into well behaved and loving companions who are able to cope well with all situations. See Education and Hoopers.

We congratulate all of them and thank them for their trust in Grande Daze to educate them in human and canine companionship. We hope that their examples show that a rapport with your pet can be very rewarding. Sharing social events with your pet gives the occasion an added dimension and pleasure. Breeding and looks aren’t everything – you can have the ugliest cross-breed in the world with good manners if you put the time and work in. We welcome newcomers to the Centre to educate any age to enjoy a rich companionship with their pets. To contact us please see Contact Us

The Purple Van Was There!

The Purple Van was again at Manges-Tu?

Once again, our Purple Van has been at Manges-Tu? to fundraise for the Rescue Centre. We are so grateful to, on this occasion, our benevoles, John and Pam, for their efforts.

The animals at Grande Daze Rescue will benefit greatly from the wonderful support of the people buying goods and we hope that you will continue to find the bargains we love to offer. We have been able to maintain vaccinations and carry out the usual parasite prevention so prevalent this time of year! One of our most recent rescues is receiving appropriate treatment for an eye condition and a nasty skin infection, to name but a few of the issues you have helped to fund. We also thank Steve, Manges-Tu? for his support.

Our apologies for this late acknowledgement.

With thanks – Anita and Peter


Club du Jack Russell Terrier – NE CJRT 25th June 2022 – 2nd Place

Nadège and Reboot went to a national Jack Russell show (only Jack and Parson) organized by the Breed Club of Jack and Parson Russell. Despite the rain, Reboot walked nonchalantly and trotted confidently around the ring to finish 2nd Excellent in the Intermediate Female class, without being fazed by anyone or anything. Nadège didn’t expect this place, she was amazed! Reboot honours Nadège, who educated and trained Reboot at Grande Daze, so that she is a well socialized companion both with humans and with her fellow creatures.  For Nadège, a good comportment and education are the most important aspects for a dog. Anita and Peter  help them as much as possible and the pair are very grateful for their help; this achievement is also their victory.

Also at the show was the breeder of Reboot with her 4 lovely Jack Russells. This lady was proud to see how well Reboot had grown and the superb character she has become. She was impressed by such good manners and the obedience Reboot has – no barking, no growling and a very happy dog. Responsible breeding is at the forefront for the lady who bred Reboot.

All at Grande Daze congratulate Reboot and Nadège. We are very proud of them.