Parrots, they’re like buses, nothing arrives and then 2 come along at once; that’s how it was with Coco and Ritchie. Both of these lovely feathered companions are now in their forever home at the Centre. However, we now have to watch our p’s and q’s as Coco, a vivid green and yellow pied boy, is a chatterbox; he quickly picks up words and repeats them. Fortunately, he is settling in and he has taken to Peter. In the mornings it is ‘Morning Peter’ and ‘Goodnight Peter’ last thing at night. I never get a mention!


Coco, an Amazon Parrot, was grief stricken when his human companion of 26 years died a few months ago. Parrots create a strong bond with one person for life. The widow of Coco’s companion visited the Centre with a view to adopting a dog. Anyone who has ever visited Grande Daze knows that their conversation will be interrupted by the chatter from the parrots near the office. The parrot cacophony was music to the ears of the owner of Coco and she asked our advice regarding how to help him get over his grief. After a lengthy conversation and much soul searching it was decided that Coco would live with us. Happily, the lady fell in love with Dora, a rescued dog. Everyone is now settling down to the new arrangements and Coco will get a visit (Covid-19 restrictions permitting) now and again from Dora and the Lady.


Ritchie’s circumstances were also sad. He was attacked by the family cat so they had to choose between him and their other much loved pet. He is a very quiet sort of a chap and much smaller than Coco but then Coco is at least 26 years old, whereas, Ritchie is just a baby at 8 months old. He is a Parakeet and his plumage is very delicate as his head is pale lemon with his body being light grey and white. Everything is new for Richie and he appears very curious about his surroundings. He watches me with interest when I work in the grooming room.

Once they are acclimatised to their new surroundings these 2 feathered friends will join the other parrots in our aviary. We hope that Ritchie and Coco will maintain the standards expected of all the animals at Grande Daze. However, we will apologise in advance for any lapse in good manners. We can’t imagine how such insensibilities could occur but ………….

Take care. Best Wishes Anita Edwards


Think you will have to get comfortable and may be get a cuppa for this long update.

Yet again, I’m late giving you all the latest news and a big, big thank you for the financial help, the gifts of animal food and bedding, the purchase of Bric a Brac and a thank you to those who sell items.   We never take for granted your generosity and how it helps us keep going during a time when everyone is struggling.  Everything is at a standstill in the outside world but, sadly and amazingly, newcomers keep arriving through our gates and our work is never at a standstill.  Of course, re-homing is not possible so our need for funding becomes more acute as time goes on with more mouths to feed.   Just last week we had 5 newcomers including a Parrot!  This feathered companion is quite a cheeky, talkative little fella and Peter and I very quickly learned to choose our words carefully when in his company!  You can read his story in the next blog.

We hope you all had a healthy and peaceful Easter and that we will see you all again soon.

Our most recent big expense has been the necessity for eye surgery on one of our rescues who, happily, is now running around healthy and comfortable.  This poor animal was suffering entropion which required specialist surgery to cut away parts of the eyelid that were turning inwards. Our little companion is making a remarkable recovery thanks to the skill and expertise of the vet.  

Prior to the lockdown our grooming parlour was at full stretch for all our clients who needed a good shampoo and haircut before being ‘confined to barracks’.  We managed to fit everyone in (we hope) but our apologies to anyone who missed out; we will see you as soon as restrictions allow.  Of course, the rescued animals still required grooming and care which I managed to catch up with after the flurry of activity before lockdown.  My arms were going like bees wings to ensure that your lovely companions were clean and comfortable.

Training sessions are suspended for lockdown but our rescued companions are still exercised.  The contact with people other than myself and Peter is a vital part of the rehabilitation of the animals in our care.  The benevoles who undertake the befriending roles are not able to attend and, like us humans, the rescued dogs miss the social interaction and the cats still need a cuddle.  However, our work continues and we endeavour to be with the rescued animals as much as possible. The sand-school is invaluable to us in giving the dogs an interest in life and a purpose in their exercise.  Of course, after the exercise, drying off and grooming is often necessary and we get through dozens of towels and lots of clean bedding (which is why we are so grateful for the donations).  The washing machine never stops!

We continue to sell/reserve items through the website and facebook but our shop, like many others, is closed and outside fundraising events remain suspended during the pandemic.  We do have plans for events which we will post as soon as we can.  Being confined as we all are we are sure that you watch more DVD’s and such like.  We have a data base of DVD’s and CD’s compiled by Veronica Smith and you can contact Veronica through our Facebook page for that film, book or CD that you would really like to watch, listen to or read.  Every little helps us to care for the animals.

Recently, 3 pet portraits were handed over.  The paintings are of one of our rescued dogs who was re-homed several years ago, ‘Poppy – Waiting for Tea’ (posed in the Tea Garden at Grande Daze) and Poppy again, ‘Poppy with Little P’ (a rescued cat); these two companions like to snuggle up together and relax.  

Little P arrived in her home shortly after Poppy was rescued. Little P was left in the car park at Grande Daze, oddly, after a couple had been to pick up their dog which had come in as a stray. They were phoned in case this lovely little feline had got out of the car by accident; they never returned the call. So, Little P went to live with a very kind benevole after it was found that she is prone to upper respiratory infection and needs to be in a home environment. She is a right little madame! She was the link between the lady’s old house cat and the new ones with whom she shares her home. She is still boss lady, living in a household of 4 dogs along with her feline charges.

A collage painting of portraits of dozens of the animals from Grande Daze who have been treated by the vets at Andouille has been gifted to them as a thank you for their support over the years.  The Vets plan to hang this in their new surgery.  Jenny is still able to take commissions for pet portraits during the lockdown to raise funds. If you would like more information please contact her on the email on our Contact Us page.

Poppy is part of our Rescue Agility Team and like all of us in the team she is eagerly awaiting our next competition when the pandemic restrictions allow.  A lack of training together is another aspect affected by Covid-19 and we do our best to keep in shape ready to take on the world.  The Agility Team promotes the activities and purpose of Grande Daze and helps with our fundraising.  We greatly miss the contacts we have made and hope to make more in the future. We also feel the lack of the opportunities to raise awareness about the rescued animals and increase funds.

Remember you can donate via PayPal on our Facebook page.  In the meantime our work behind the scenes continues and we remain busy taking care of the animals you so generously help.

Thank you for taking the time to read my news and for your support. We wish you good health and hope to see you all again soon.  Until next month – take care and best wishes to everyone, Anita.”