EuroMayenne merci

Un grand merci à tous nos bénévoles qui ont donnés de leurs temps pour préparer et pour tenir notre stand à Euromayenne cette année. Un gros merci à nos artistes pour la démonstration de leurs arts et passions. Nous apprécions chacuns d’entre vous car c’est aussi grâce à vous que l’on peut continuer notre travail de réhabilitation et d’adoption de nos animaux.

A la personne qui nous à volé sur notre stand, sachez que vous avez volé des ressources destinées à aider les animaux qui ont été maltraités et négligés du refuge.

Dû à des complications, nous avons arrêté la vente des tickets de tombola dont le prix est le nichoir à oiseaux, mais le tirage n’est remis qu’à plus tard, vous pouvez toujours acheter des tickets à Grande Daze, le tirage au sort aura lieu le 02 Décembre et le gagnant sera annoncé sur notre site web ainsi que nos réseaux sociaux. Vérifiez que vous êtes bien abonnés à nos pages et groupes.




EuroMayenne Thank You

A big thank you to all the people who helped us with EuroMayenne this year; the people helping on the stall, doing the arts & crafts demos, the people who made and donated things to sell or raffle off. We appreciate all of you and it is because of you we are able to continue to rehabilitate and rehome our rescue animals.

To the person who stole from us, know that you stole resources from mistreated & neglected animals.

Due to a complication we had to stop the raffle for the bird table but we are still raffling it off. You can buy tickets from Grande Daze and the winner will be drawn on  Sunday 2nd December and announced on our website & across our social media. Make sure you’re following us!





Thank you to Barry & Christine for giving Mollie/Collie a wonderful second chance at life. We were so sorry to hear that their first adoption experience was not a good one but are pleased they gave adoption another chance and found their experience with Grande Daze much better. It is our policy not to rehome poorly pets, they remain at Grande Daze where they receive all the care they need from us and the vets we work very closely with.

We initially adopted a lovely cat from a different rescue centre. She had no vaccinations & no visits to the vets at all but we took her home to make sure she could have a warm home. The cat was already ill and after many visits to the vets she eventually died.
We were then told of Grand Daze by friends, so off we went. My wife is the cat lover, certainly not me! We went for an adult cat and were asked to make ourselves at home in the cat area. We did not pick a cat at all, this cat picked us. One ear disfigured and went by the name of Colliecat after the cauliflower ear. She had been fully inoculated so the three of us went home.

Colliecat, I ask you! So the nearest we thought would be Mollie. Mollie is a people’s cat. Likes company. Two years on she follows me around indoors and out. Gardening, she is always there right by me. Indoors she always wants to sit on my lap
and go to sleep.

Thanks Grande Daze for changing me from a dog person to a cat person, also giving me a good mate. So many cats and dogs but they were all well looked after there and I am glad the cat chose us as I do not think I could have chosen.

Christine and BarryMollie