8 months old Jax has found his forever home after a traumatic start to his life. Jax has now settled into his home and gets on really well with his new brothers Dollar, Harry and Piper. His training has started and it is planned that he will become part of the gundog team worked by Carole. He shows great promise as he is lively, intelligent and eager to learn. Carole is keen to note that he has a lovely nature and she is hopeful that his full potential will be achieved within the team.

We’re so happy for Jax!


Gaia has a loving home and we are so grateful to Trevor and Sylvie – thank you!

Doing the garden together!

Dear Mr & Mrs Edwards,
Just a few words of thanks…
Having ‘resisted ‘ getting a dog for several years,your refuge came onto my ‘radar’…
(Albeit you are just around the corner and undiscovered to us for over 10 years!)

Giai – so happy to be loved

My wife had had rescue dogs previously …but not for some 13 years..(since we met in Paris).I was reticent having not had a dog since the age of 3/4…( multiple decades ago…!)
Meeting and chatting this ‘conundrum’ through with you resulted in you presenting us to Gaia back in mid- October 2020…

She has been and continues to be a revelation…We count ourselves very fortunate to have found her and couldn’t wish for a more suitable companion.
She continues to surprise with her intelligence,cheek and affection…We are extremely grateful for your knowledge and expertise in giving us the opportunity to look after her…

PS : glad to note that Osska was found a home shortly after we met him too…!

Kind regards,
Trevor & Sylvie


Osska now lives with Rachel and Adrian and they sent this email shortly after his adoption.

Thank you so much! I can’t believe how lucky we are! He is absolutely gorgeous! He hasn’t left my side all day! He so good!
Best wishes
Rachel x

We thank Rachel and Adrian for giving Osska a wonderful home.

Osska was found as a puppy at a Vide Grenier. From about 6.30 am when we arrived to set up our stall at the last Vide Grenier of the season I had caught site of a skinny little puppy. It wasn’t unusual to see a dog wandering freely as people set up stalls. But I kept an eye out for this little chap as he kept appearing around all of the stalls. He never seemed to belong anywhere. Then, when everybody started to sit down for lunch he was in big trouble. He slunk around tables begging and trying to steal food and was shouted at, pushed and kicked away as people tried to eat their lunch. It was time for action. Along with a benevole I circled around the puppy until I caught him. There was no resistance as I cradled the bundle of skin and bone in my arms. We tried to feed him with squashed chips which we had bought for our lunch but he couldn’t eat.

At this point it was obvious he was badly malnourished and would require very careful treatment. The decision was made that we would begin to rehydrate him until we could get to the vets. At regular intervals we gave him a small amount of a solution of water and milk we had on board for our teas and coffees. First thing in the morning he was at the vets who prescribed a feeding programme which entailed a teaspoon of food every hour. After several weeks our skinny little rescue began to show signs of recovery. Several months later he was a happy, lively puppy.

Osska became Osska because someone else had seen him and watched us pick him up. The man was touched by what happened and gave a generous donation. After a conversation with this kind man we asked if he would like to give the puppy a name, to which he replied “Osska”. Thus, Osska, he became and Osska he remains.

See below some more of our wonderful rescues who have found their FUR-ever homes!

Dogs | Chiens

Luke (Eng)
Mr Tom (Eng)
Izzy (Fr)
Billie (Eng)
Leo (Eng/Fr)
Lucka (Eng)
Meg (Eng)
Charlie (Eng)
Vincent (Eng)
Molly (Eng)
Bo Bo, Frodo & Bert (Eng)
Jed, Jack & Sam (Eng)
Penny (Eng)

Cats | Chats

Noisette (Fr)
Mouse & Flea (Eng)
Topic, Susie & Babe (Eng/Fr)
Mollie (Eng)