
With the best memories in the world of this dear man and may he be happy now both his friends, Lilly & Maddi, have crossed the bridge.
I have known the Carpenter family for almost 28 years and have had the best job in the world of keeping their dogs smart. I first met Mrs C when I went to clip an Old English Sheepdog called Gemma and a hairy cross breed called Hatti. What wonderful times and memories. My fondest is when the girls return to the living room after hair cuts; the woolf whistles and cheers Mr & Mrs C would give to their dogs!

Dear Lilly and Maddi, I thank you also for letting me keep you smart. The last year of Maddi’s life was not easy for her with her legs and all the health problems an old dog can get. What wonderful, wonderful owners Clare & Mrs C are, nothing was too much trouble for their four legged friends. Now at home with little Pippa.

Bless you both & thank you for letting me be a friend to your dogs. Please stay in touch.
Fondest wishes always,
Anita Edwards


Maddi you gave us 15yrs of pure joy and companionship.
We will miss you with all our hearts but we thank god you came into our lives!
Run free Maddi across the rainbow bridge ?
Love from
Mena and Clare