Jackie Boy – a doggy gentleman, came to us at the age of 12 after it is thought his previous elderly owner had died. A quiet life with no hassle, food on a regular basis, water always on hand and a daily stroll were all that Jack wanted or enjoyed. He didn’t like a lot of fuss but enjoyed a nice chat and a pat on the head every now and then throughout the day. As he aged, Jack found it difficult to walk around the parks in the area but he enjoyed a ride in the car and would wait for his companions to have their daily constitutionals. His idea of exercise was to lope around the garden on the same route once a day after his main meal. When he began to lose his sight he went more slowly around the garden and got to know the route by following his nose. After a while the lopes got slower and shorter until it was just a visit outside for the essentials.

He snoozed most of the day, only waking to eat his food. He was very contented, always comfortable and as he drifted into his dotage he still responded to the conversations and enjoyed a gentle tickle behind the ears. His snoozes grew into deeper and deeper sleeps and his breathing became shallower until there was no more breathing and he was rested forever.

R.I.P. Jackie Boy – December 2006 to February 2024 – 18 years 1 month